Top 5 Body Parts for Cryoskin Slimming & Toning

by | Dec 10, 2021

My 5 Most Popular Body Parts for Cryoskin Treatments

Cryoskin is non-invasive technology which uses cooling technology to freeze and destroy fat cells and reduce fat instantly. It is pain-free and more effective than Botox. It is used to burn fat cells, boost collagen production and improve the skin’s appearance. CryoSkin slimming is quite commonly used in areas like the stomach, thighs and arms for visible slimming decreases. Let’s take a look at the top 5 most popular body areas my clients in Lodi, CA get Cryoskin treatments!


1. Tummy Cryoskin Treatment

My clients love to target that stubborn tummy area. Because who doesn’t love a toned stomach?! Some have stubborn fat from having children, some have lost a lot of weight and need to tone up the skin. Whatever the reason, Cryoskin helps break down that stubborn fat and tones the skin, leaving you with that stomach you’ve been looking for — all while relaxing and getting a cold massage! Even though you’ll see results after a single session, it is suggested that you do a series of 5 or 10 to maximize your results.


2. Face and Neck Cryoskin Treatments (aka Cryo Facials)

As we age our skin stops producing Collagen. When this happens we start to experience sagging skin and wrinkles. Some of us also start to carry more weight in our faces. A Cryoskin Facial helps wake up that Collagen. It tighten and firms the skin, reduces the wrinkles, shrinks the pore size as well as help fight that extra fat that ends up in the checks and jawline and chin areas. So if that double chin is bothering you or you feel like you need a face lift, try a series of Cryoskin facials and you won’t be disappointed!


3. Arms Cryoskin Treatment

Our bodies don’t let us decide where the fat goes, and the arms are typically an area my clients have a hard time toning. Doesn’t matter how many pushups you do they just don’t tone, that’s where Cryoskin toning help! You can also do Cryoskin Slimming in the arm area to target that stubborn fat.


4. Thighs Cryoskin Treatment

Those thighs can be so stubborn! Cryoskin Slimming helps destroy those fat cells to shrink the thighs and Cryoskin Toning helps tighten and firm them up as well as bust through that stubborn cellulite. Why do all the squats when you can layback and let Cryoskin do all the work? The legs definitely can be stubborn areas so its best to do a series of 5 or 10.


5. Back Fat Cryoskin Treatment

Back fat. Ok ladies, this is an area that at one point have probably all delt with! Cryoskin Slimming helps break down that fatty area and toning will help tighten the skin up. No more worrying about that extra roll under that bra line!


Cryoskin is a great option to fight that stubborn fat and tone the skin. If you have any more questions just ask Taryn! OR Book Today to schedule a Cryo Body or Cryo Facial appointment!

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